Meet Retha Karandreas - Wimbledon Kids Leader

Retha Karandreas recently joined the Everyday Church Staff Team, so we thought we'd ask her some questions to get to know her a bit.
Retha, you've recently joined the Everyday Church staff team so we'd love to get to know you – What are your hobbies?

We enjoy spending time together as a family. We like exploring the nearby forest and visit play parks. I enjoy reading Christian novels, one of my favourite books is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I’ve read most of Frank Perritte books and enjoy listening to the Bible. I’ve recently started swimming and really enjoy being active.
Tell us about your story of coming to faith.

I grew up in a Christian family and had several encounters with Jesus in my childhood. My mum became born again when we were in High School, and she prayed for her family to also be saved.

I only really took my walk serious with God when I lived in London for two years from 2002. I lived in a house with other South Africans and another girl moved into our house and she attended Hillsong. Our house became a prayer request to her homegroup to be saved.

During this time, I had a dream that God appeared to me and said I will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, which surprised me because I thought I was a Christian. I gave my life to Jesus in 2003 and got baptised in the sea in Brighton. By the end of the two years the whole house was saved, connected to a church and committed Christians.

"By the end of the two years the whole house was saved, connected to a church and committed Christians."

You've started as the Everyday Wimbledon Kids Leader – what does that actually mean?

This has been a very interesting journey, as I had to discover what this means too. My role involves overseeing and recruiting volunteers for Everyday Kids. To maintain three weeks of Everyday Kids in Wimbledon we need the right number of volunteers every week. I oversee and prepare some of the lessons for our sessions. This has mainly been done by the team leaders; however, we have recently moved to a wonderful programme called ‘Overflow’ and the volunteers and children have really enjoyed it.

Part of my job is to make sure our sessions are run safely, and I work with Penny, our Designated Safeguarding Lead, to make sure all risk assessments and safeguarding policies are in place and adhered to. I work closely with our Creche team, and we discuss the transition of children from Creche to Kids.
Tell us about your journey to applying for the role?

My husband, Lefteri, was looking for a ‘tongue speaking’ church. He loves seeing the Holy Spirit and his gifts working in a church and he asked if we could visit Everyday Church Wimbledon.

In my research I saw that they were advertising for a Kids Leader and thought this could be a great opportunity as I am a qualified South African teacher and Early Years trained in UK. Our first visit confirmed that we had made the right decision. We felt welcomed and at home, and this has been our home ever since.

"This opportunity has been incredible, and I can honestly say this is the best place I have worked at."

How can we pray for you?

I truly believe God has place me here for a reason and a season. This opportunity has been incredible, and I can honestly say this is the best place I have worked at. Please pray that I would listen to what God wants me to do here and be used as an instrument for his work in Everyday Kids, and part of the bigger community.

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